Two Years and Still Blogging

It started out simply enough. My son was attending graduate school in archaeology in London. He was blogging. While he was home on holiday, he showed me how to start a blog. This gardening blog was started in March 2007 as a way for my son to see what was happening in the garden... but the blog grew and grew...

My blog continued to be mostly read by friends and family until September 2008 when I decided to quit or kick it up a notch.

I kicked it up a notch! I began blogging almost daily. I joined Blotanical and began interacting with other garden bloggers. I realized something about my writing, too. When I include other events, places, people and gardens, I find it very rewarding - especially for good causes.

Since September 1, 2008 (six months) there have been 35,333 page views of this blog! With 52.84% new visitors and 47.16% returning visitors, I realize that almost half of my readers are regulars. I thank you for your time and interest! As for the new visitors, I hope that you'll like the blog well enough to become a regular reader, too.

Gardening is very important to me.

I can't imagine my life without a garden. I get so much joy from the activity of gardening, writing about gardening and getting to know other gardeners. Most of all, I enjoy just "being" in my garden.

Travel is very important to me.

Getting to know my own home state of North Carolina or the people of another country enriches my life. I like to share tips on travel - where to visit, great gardens, restaurants or just the experience of travel. I pride myself on packing light, too! My son claims that he is an archaeologist because he went out into the world with me to see ancient and interesting places.

Home is very important to me.

In fact, it is difficult to leave home to travel! I like to cook. I love how we use our rooms, indoors and outdoors. My husband and I put a lot of thought into building our "forever" home for comfort and energy efficiency.

These other topics are fun for me. I intend to continue as a garden blogger, I just want to bring in more of my world. I hope you'll find it interesting to read...

Defining Your Home, Garden and Travel

Story and photos by Freda Cameron


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